Sol Flower Blog

Tag: guides

7 strains for the puffing pop this Father’s Day

With no sports on TV and the Eagles world tour on indefinite hiatus, this has not been the best couple months for dads. Yours has likely had to re-prioritize a few things in his life, which means picking up new skills (learning how to voice text!) and spending more time at home (driving your mom insane!). Dad used to be able to simply retreat to his man cave to watch Jeopardy reruns and get away from it all – but 2020 has been more of a metaphorical man prison from which there’s precious little escape.

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7 strains just right for replacing a cold one

April is Alcohol Awareness Month, a time for compassion and open dialogue around substance use and abuse issues. Even if you don’t personally struggle with drinking, you’ve likely been touched by an epidemic that often goes underreported. Over a quarter of adult Americans reported binge drinking at least once a month, with an additional 6% saying they’ve consumed 4-5 drinks in a two hour span at least five times in a month.

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